Friday, November 30, 2012

Scarves & Beanis


I can already hear those sleigh bells jingling!! The holiday season is officially underway! Scarves are the ultimate must-have (seriously) accessory when the temperatures drop which keeps your warm while looking totally cool so here is A little blog to share my scarf collection with you ladies, enjoy it!
  • Solid Colors: You can accentuate your outfit with a pop of color or a versatil neutral.

  • Animal Print: I´m a lover of animal print scarves because you can wear them in any season and besides it makes you look very sophisticated and chic at the same time. I recently got mine!

  • Floral: I just adore florals and as you can see I really like the floral scarf trend.

  • Chiffon: I have no doubt that chiffon Scarves gives you freshness and makes you look elegant, beautiful and come in various colours and patterns.

  • Striped: Really easy to match because striped scarves usually have more than two colors.

  • Plaid: It is a needed fashion accesory for modern generation.


It's quite easy and nice to wear during the cold winter days. I got really lucky because the ones that I have are very simple and cute made by grandma. Lets take a look!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anna Fawcus Photography

Anna Fawcus trained as a commercial photographer in Australia. She worked for many years in Australia and New Zealand. After volunteering her time and photographic experience to a small orphanage in India in 2008, she decided to change the direction of her photographic career. Anna has since travelled the world working with non-profit organisations. When she is not working with large NGO’s, she volunteers her time to work with smaller projects, focused on social issues and human rights. She has worked with various community projects and Non Government Organizations in India, Africa, Central and South America. Her commercial training brings a unique quality to her work, with her creative eye for detail. Anna combines this experience with her own approach of living with a community before documenting it, giving her a connection with the people and a real understanding of the environment.

I want you to see how talented she is! You have no idea, how much I still miss Anna banana! Mad love! xoxo


Black & White


Acerca de mí...

Hola mi gente linda:

Antes que nada quisiera empezar dándoles las gracias por seguirme, espero poder ayudarlas dándoles pequeñas ideas de como transformar las prendas con las que ya cuentan en su closet en estilos muy lindos y muy modernos, pero sobre todo muy cómodos!!

Gracias a ti Jenn, por darme esta linda idea y por ayudarme a llevarla a cabo  fuiste tu mi mayor motivación! =)

Bueno, soy una chica guatemalteca y voy a compartirles un poco de mi closet, mostrándoles fresh and cute outfits que yo uso para todo tipo de ocasiones con accesorios y prendas que seguramente todas tienen en su closet y si no los tienen,podrán ver la tienda en la cual las adquirí y si no, unos lugares posibles para que lo puedan hacer! 

Como moda podría decirles que es una tendencia o creatividad que reflejamos con una identidad o una forma de ser y que mas pertenecer a una tendencia, es una actitud personal!!


 "La moda es algo más que lo que llevas puesto; es una actitud, un tipo de estética, y eso es lo que andamos buscando" - Jeanne Beker